Next HOA Meeting – April 25, 2024: Zoom

What: Board of Directors Meeting & Election of Directors Meeting: Incoming and departing Directors announced When Thu, April 25th, 2024 at 7:00pm General Session and 7:30pm Election Meeting Via Zoom ID: 879 5668 9235Dial in by phone:1-669-900-6288Meeting ID: 879 5668 9235 Physical Election Location available in person at The Election Guy’s Office 17 Spectrum…

SB 326 Report – Findings

In adherence to the State of California’s commitment to ensuring the structural integrity and safety of multi-family residential buildings, our Homeowners Association (HOA) has complied with Senate Bill 326 (SB 326). This legislation mandates the inspection of exterior elevated elements (EEEs) and waterproofing elements in condominiums and other multi-unit complexes to ascertain their safety and…

Parking Space Lottery Program

The goal of the Cobblestone Creek HOA Parking Space Lottery Program (PSLP) is to provide equity for homeowners in access to the northeast internal complex parking area with five available spaces. Complaints of unfairness of the situation have prompted the creation of this Program. In July 2022 the Board approved the concept of applying a…

Stream/Creek Update

Unanimous Board Action without Meeting(CC&R The board unanimously approved the hiring of Precision Landscape to service the creeks, landscaping, and tree trimming as of 7/15/22. The Board of Directors look forward to collaborating with Precision to improve our creek infrastructure for optimal function.

Consensys Management Company

Activating Online Portal To activate your Consensys Management Online Portal visit Please note: You cannot activate a Portal Account online until Consensys has entered your information from the Residency Verification Form you received. The online registration won’t work if you haven’t returned the form. If you would like to register ASAP, please contact Monica…

Rules & Regulations Revision/Updates

The HOA Board of Directors has publicly shared its intention to review, revise and update the Cobblestone Creek “Rules & Regulations.” Cobblestone residents can look at the proposed revisions by navigating to the HOA Documents menu or by Clicking Here. Upon reviewing the suggested revisions, Cobblestone Creek Residents may comment or bring their concerns to…

Newsletter – Dec 2020

Hi everyone! Our latest newsletter is now available on our website for you to download and read. CLICK HERE to download In this issue, you will find articles on the following topics. Message from the President: A special message and greeting the board president Vince Rodriquez. Trash Disposal Update: Help keep our grounds clean and…